LII News | November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving from LII

When deciding what to say in the next fundraising email, I initially resisted mentioning this week’s Thanksgiving holiday. Your inbox is no doubt overflowing with holiday-themed solicitations, coupons, and use discount code TURKEY10 for 10% off site-wide! And, let’s be clear, we are in fundraising mode right now.


But it’s also a chance to remind you that LII is not some giant machine with a department of employees tasked with crafting the perfect holiday email. We are just nine permanent staffers producing hundreds of thousands of web pages viewed by tens of millions of people each year. When we say, as we often do, that your support makes our work possible, we mean that in the most basic sense. It covers our salaries, it buys our laptops, it pays the bill from Amazon Web Services for hosting We quite literally couldn’t do it without you.

Without you and your support, there would be no Legal Information Institute. The nine of us would be working in tech companies and law firms and maybe in government somewhere. And you’d be accessing online legal information from probably those same places. And that might be okay, but this is definitely better—for us and, we’d like to think, for you as well.

So even though most of the folks who receive this may lose it in an onslaught of Thanksgiving-themed subject lines, it’s nevertheless very important to all nine of us that we take the chance to reflect on our responsibilities as the current custodians of the LII website, to thank you for helping us get to where we are, and to urge your continuing generosity.


Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at LII,
