LII News | December 11, 2024
I asked ChatGPT to write this email–what do you think?
We’re experimenting with AI in lots of ways at LII. I promise you that none are nearly as frivolous as what you’re about to read. Of course, you can donate now and not subject yourself to the results of my silly little exercise.
Prompt: Can you please write a fundraising email of about 300 words using as much ridiculous legal jargon as possible to express that we’ve fallen behind our goals so far but believe we can still turn it around and meet our target by the end of December?
ChatGPT said:
Subject: Urgent Appeal: A Moment of Reflection and Action Required to Fulfill Our Obligations!
Dear [Name],
We hope this email finds you in the highest spirits of good health and prosperity. We are writing to you in the capacity of fiduciary duty, as we find ourselves in a most critical juncture regarding our fundraising endeavors for the calendar year. Upon diligent review of our financial trajectory vis-à-vis the established goals, we are compelled to inform you that we are, as of the current date, somewhat behind the expected benchmark set forth in our pre-established budgetary framework.
Despite this temporary setback, it is imperative to emphasize that the situation remains legally actionable, and we believe, based on extensive due diligence, that it is not beyond the realm of possibility to realign our trajectory toward fulfilling our obligations within the requisite timeframe, namely by the end of December.
The facts, as we see them, are clear: the deadline is imminent, and while our cumulative contributions have not yet achieved our anticipated objective, we maintain an unwavering belief in our collective capacity to overcome this minor delay. By accelerating the contribution stream and consolidating our efforts, we firmly assert that the target goal is still within reach. In fact, we are confident that, with your support, we can close the funding gap and meet our obligations before the expiration of the fiscal period, without the need for further extensions or emergency remedial action.
In light of the above, we respectfully urge you to consider making a contribution or increasing your existing pledge at your earliest convenience, so that we may fulfill our legal and moral responsibilities to those who depend on the success of this initiative.
Let us work together to restore our position and move forward in a manner that will reflect positively on all parties concerned.
With gratitude and anticipation,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Organization Name]
[Contact Information]
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Okay, it’s me again. The truth is, we are a little behind in our fundraising and we do need your help if we’re going to “realign our trajectory toward fulfilling our obligations within the requisite timeframe.” Please support us if you can, or the next AI-generated fundraising appeal will be 500 words incorporating as many Taylor Swift song titles as possible. (I’ve tested it, it works….)
In all seriousness, thank you for your support. We simply could not do what we do without it.
For the entire LII team,