LII is co-owner of the Oyez Project, an online repository for Supreme Court audio and other information about America’s highest court. Alongside Justia, Inc., LII took responsibility for maintaining the Oyez website when its original founder, Professor Jerry Goldman, retired in 2016. Justia continues to update the Oyez website at present, with future plans to integrate it more fully into the related content found on the Justia and LII websites, providing a single, comprehensive place for the public to learn about the Supreme Court and both its historical and recent decisions. LII co-director Craig Newton is primarily responsible for LII’s role in the Oyez Project.
Justia, Inc.
Justia, Inc. is a frequent LII collaborator, funding much of our research and development of new technologies and techniques for making legal information freely accessible online to the public. Justia also operates the Oyez Project in collaboration with LII.