CS5150 software engineering practicum projects

LII often serves as a “client” for undergraduate computer science students in Cornell’s CS5150 engineering practicum course. Far from just stating a need and turning the students loose, though, LII’s technical staff guides them at each step of the project. It is often a student’s first exposure to answering a question where, unlike in the classroom, the folks in charge do not already know the answer. Instead, we count on these students to provide not only valuable labor, but also skill and unique insight into the latest techniques, tools, and technologies that might bring to bear on any particular challenge. Sara Frug leads our work with CS5150 students.

Recent CS5150 projects have included:

  • Developing an xml version of the US Constitution Annotated, previously published only in pdf format by the Congressional Research Service;
  • Finding creative and effective ways to visualize the visitor usage data from law.cornell.edu to communicate not only the website’s impacts but also identify trending topics of political, cultural, and societal importance;
  • Creating a series of novel interfaces for browsing open data related to the Code of Federal Regulations